Introducing Our Online Magazine “Creators Rising”
Updated 9/8/23
Amplifying the voices of people who work in creative businesses
To further its mission to promote the interests of online sellers of handmade, unique, vintage and craft goods all over the world, we’ve started an online magazine on the popular publishing platform, Medium.
The new publication, entitled “Creators Rising” aims to share stories from people who work in creative businesses in the platform economy. The publication aims to amplify the voices of indie sellers through collective writing.
The magazine will share personal stories from Etsy shop owners and other creative, indie ecommerce businesses, such as indie businesses on Shopify. Readers will learn more about topics such as the ins and outs of running an independent online shop, what marketplace platform sellers think about major announcements (like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon), and the people behind the curtain doing the hard work of running the “platform economy,” which is defined as economic and social activity facilitated by platforms.
We welcome writers who want to share their stories on these topics. Join us on Medium at Creators Rising, email us at creatorsrisingpublication (at) gmail (dot) com.
Originally published at on May 14, 2022.